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Kiki Athanas

Kiki Athanas Profile Photo

Kiki Athanas is a Food Mindset Mentor & International Health Coach. Her approach to food is simple: eat only what you enjoy, only when you are hungry.

Kiki has worked with hundreds of clients who were suffering from emotional overeating, uncontrollable & unexplainable IBS, and constant stressful thoughts about food, to regain their ability to eat in tune with their hunger cues, stop when they feel comfortable, and ultimately: get their lives (& bodies!) back.

Dec. 14, 2023

Biggest Food Secrets Hidden From You? Snacks is Not a Treat | Kiki At…

In this episode of Sweet Liberation Podcast , we are interviewing Kiki Athanas. Kiki Athanas is a Food Mindset Mentor & International Health Coach. Her approach to food is simple: eat only what you enjoy, only when you are hu...

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